I want to be the best teacher that I can be for Emile.
I want to be the best teacher that I can be for Emile.
Q1. 入社のきっかけを教えてください。
I want to work at Emile because I love furthering the education on young children.
Q2. 具体的にどんな業務をする予定ですか?どんな業務をしたいですか?
I’m planning on teaching the students how to use English in a fun,but also productive manner.
I want to be the best teacher that I can be for Emile. -
Q3. 現在までどんな仕事をどのようなステップで経験してこられましたか?
I have worker for International schools and Eikaiwa since coming to Japan.Each job I’ve worked has given me more experience.
Q4. どんな職場にしたいですか?
Every worker wants to have a good working environment.
It takes the effort of all of the workers to make a safe and happy working environment. -
Q5. 会社にこんな制度があるといいなと思うことがあれば教えてください。
I believe that Emile already has such a system in place.
The staff and students at Emile are like a family. -
Q6. 働く上での価値観・重要視すること(地位、規模、仲間、人間関係、好きを仕事に、自己成長、給料、福利厚生、成長、時間、〇〇との両立など)はなんですか?
I think that the most important aspect to have at any job is at smooth relationship with your fellow workers.
If you have that,everything else will fall into place. -
Q7. あなたの夢、目標を教えてください。(仕事でもプライベートでも可)
My work dream is to stay at Emile and become a full-time employee.
My personal dream is to buy a house for my family. -
Q8. どんな人と一緒に働きたいですか?入社希望の方にメッセージをお願いします。
I want to work with anyone that is willing to make the effort to teach children English,ant make it fun and enjoyable.
For anyone looking for a great company to work,I highly recommend joining Emile.